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Think fast

Thoughts and ideas on how to build tools, automate workflows and speed-up the workplace.

Workflow Management Database Design

Today we’re going to guide you through exactly how to create a workflow management database design - from scratch. This can form the basis of all sorts of solutions - including workflow management tools, approval apps, automated solutions - and a whole raft of other internal tools. See, most internal tasks and processes aren’t that complicated. In fact, most management or administrative tasks can be expressed as chains of requests and decisions.

Ronan McQuillan

Jul 21, 2023

ACID vs BASE Databases

Data has never been so fundamental to the success of your business - but nowadays we have more options than ever for how we store and manage information. Today we’re checking out two of the most common approaches, by examining ACID vs BASE databases. See, we’re always constrained by some core computer science principles. Specifically, there’s an inherent tradeoff between availability, consistency, and partition tolerance. No database system can guarantee all three.

Ronan McQuillan

Jul 7, 2023

CAP vs ACID | What's the difference?

CAP vs ACID is probably one of the most widely misunderstood questions in the world of data engineering. Today, we’re setting out to dispel any misconceptions and give you an actionable, practical guide to choosing the right data storage framework for your real-world applications. We’ll break down some pretty complex computer science theory into insights with real-world applicability - including checking out examples of what key principles look like in practice.

Ronan McQuillan

Jun 30, 2023

Data Entry Automation | 5-Step Guide

Data entry is one of the most accessible routes to major efficiency savings. See, data entry is about the most repetitive, menial admin task there is. Despite this - it’s also one of the most common admin processes in all kinds of organizations. In a lot of cases, if you have colleagues entering data manually all day, it’s indicative of a bigger problem with your data ops. At least, it’s rare that manual data entry is the optimal solution - except in very specific, limited situations.

Ronan McQuillan

Jun 12, 2023

What is ACID Compliance?

ACID compliance is one of the most fundamental data management concepts that you’ll want to get to grips with. In fact, this is so ubiquitous that you not have paid it much attention before - to many people, it’s just the way databases work. Of course, this isn’t quite the case. Not every database adheres to the ACID model. Indeed, not every use case would benefit from this. Therefore, we need to know what we’re dealing with in order to make an informed decision about what’s right for our app project’s data model.

Ronan McQuillan

May 12, 2023

Data Management Software Solutions | 2024 Buyer’s Guide

Data is the foundation of every successful organization today. Therefore, it follows that your choice of data management solutions has an outsized impact on the wider business. This is a lot of pressure for IT teams to get things right. The trouble is that data management is a pretty broad field, to say the least. Your decision-making here is going to affect just about every process at every level of your business - but, even worse, the effect won’t be uniform.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 24, 2023

How to Build a MongoDB CRUD App with Budibase

NoSQL databases such as MongoDB seem intimidating at first. The MongoDB CRUD operations come from a different paradigm, which might be confusing if you are used to SQL databases. But it doesn’t need to be this way. Instead of manually figuring out how to perform CRUD operations in MongoDB, you can use the power of low-code to do it for you. That is, create an app that handles these differences, allowing you to interact with your DB, just like you would with other tools, like phpMyAdmin.

Ronan McQuillan

Aug 22, 2022

Spreadsheet vs Database | What's the Difference?

Data is everywhere in modern businesses. How you store, manage, and access this has a massive impact on your efficiency, effectiveness, and, ultimately, your success. Today we’re diving deep into spreadsheets vs databases. No doubt, you’re familiar with both of these types of platforms. At least, it’s a safe bet that you’re comfortable enough using a spreadsheet. You might even have some database skills already or maybe even a bit of SQL knowledge.

Ronan McQuillan

Aug 22, 2022

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