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Think fast

Thoughts and ideas on how to build tools, automate workflows and speed-up the workplace.

CRUD vs REST | What’s the Difference?

Wrapping your head around CRUD vs REST means getting to grips with some of the most fundamental concepts of modern application development. However, when we talk about this - we’re not exactly comparing like with like. Unfortunately, this is where a lot of confusion arises. See, REST and CRUD are two acronyms that relate to how we access and manage data. But, they differ greatly in terms of what they actually refer to and how they apply.

Ronan McQuillan

Aug 29, 2023

What is a Workflow Application?

A workflow application is a piece of software that’s dedicated to making a particular task - or related group of tasks - faster, easier, and more efficient. See, most day-to-day internal tasks are actually pretty repetitive. Many are downright menial. Today, we’re checking out one of the most effective strategies for managing this fact. Workflow applications provide a simple, flexible way to address this - through automation, process improvement, and a host of other interventions.

Ronan McQuillan

Aug 29, 2023

SDKs vs APIs | What’s the Difference?

Understanding the respective roles, requirements, and use cases for APIs and SDKs is one of the most important facets of modern software development. See, nowadays a huge proportion of software isn’t actually built from scratch. Instead, reusable tools, assets, and resources play a greater role than ever in the way that businesses build tools. This serves the dual purposes of saving developers time - as well as ensuring interoperability and adherence to particular development approaches.

Ronan McQuillan

Aug 18, 2023

What are API Management Tools? + 7 Top Picks

Choosing the right API management tools is one of the most fundamental and far-reaching decisions for any IT team. In fact, APIs are totally central to all kinds of application development, process management, workflow automation, integration, support, and IT ops tasks. Most companies leverage a huge range of third-party APIs - as well as their own internal resources. Therefore, how we manage our API usage is going to have a significant impact on both the quality of our team’s output and the resource incursion related to achieving this.

Ronan McQuillan

Aug 18, 2023

What is a Workflow Engine?

Workflow engines are used to simplify, expedite, and optimize all sorts of internal tasks and processes. By codifying and digitalizing business logic, an effective workflow engine enables us to achieve a high degree of efficiency, repeatability, accuracy, and productivity within daily operations. They’re also a powerful basis for business process automation, integration, real-time analytics, and other digital transformation efforts across your business. Today, we’re exploring everything you need to know.

Ronan McQuillan

Aug 18, 2023

July 2023 Product Update (v2.9)

Budibase is officially a collaborative platform where IT professionals can work together to build internal apps, faster. The July release introduces a number of new features, including; multiplayer support, running Budibase in an air-gapped environment, customizing the color of options within a select field, disabling notifications on blocks, and more. Team up to move app building forward, faster We are thrilled to announce that multiplayer mode is now available within the design and automate sections of Budibase.

Joe Johnston

Aug 8, 2023

What is Unstructured Data Management?

Managing unstructured data is becoming an increasingly important challenge for companies of all sizes. See, the types of information that business store - and the way they handle it - has changed massively over the past couple of decades. A huge part of this has been the simultaneous rise of big data, NoSQL, and cloud storage solutions. In sum, this means that there’s a greater need for unstructured data management than ever before.

Ronan McQuillan

Aug 3, 2023

What is a Containerization?

Containerization is one of the decades’ biggest shifts in the way businesses manage their internal IT - with huge implications for how we develop software, manage existing tools, handle business data, and much more. So much so, that containerization has become a top priority for IT leaders in all industries. Today, we’re checking out everything you need to know about working with containers - from what they are and what they achieve - to the challenges you might encounter and the specific tools you can use for successful implementation.

Ronan McQuillan

Jul 28, 2023

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